Sunday, May 24, 2020

Informative Speech Children Football Safety Essay

Topic: Children Football Safety Specfic Purpose: To persuade parents of the united states, who are contemplating on letting their respective child to play football, to decide in favor of not letting them play the sport because of it dangerous prowess, until at least multiple test are conducted or Tackling rules change. Introduction: I. Attention-Arousing Material: (Source) In the article America s Most Dangerous Football Is in the Pee-Wee Leagues, Not the NFL, by Allen Barra, an american journalist and contributer of the Wall Street Journal and the Alantic, conducts an interview with former NFL player Kyle Turley. Besides a succesful nine year NFL career and post country music career, Kyle Turley has been very outspoken aganist the NFL and it’s player association for dearth aganist CTE effects. In the article, Kyle has some strong words regarding pop warner football, â€Å"It should be outlawed and banned,† he also told Allen Barra in the interview â€Å"There can be serious disruption when those kids who are still developing are hurt. You can die from other sports, but those kind of injuries are freak occurrences.† Those exact words is what is transpiring in our youth football today. More and more youth football players are sustaining injuries. {Source} According to, a trusted sports website for parents, in the article named, Youth Football Concussion Study Criticizing Limits On Contact Practices As Shortsighted Generates Controversy† a research isShow MoreRelatedSpeech to Inform8146 Words   |  33 PagesSpeech To Inform Speech to inform:Euro-2012 In April 2007, Ukraine and Poland were named co-hosts for Euro 2012 tournament. 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Thinking and writing about logical reasoning has been enjoyable for me, but special thanks go to my children, Joshua, 8, and Justine, 3, for comic relief during the months of writing. This book is dedicated to them. For the 2012 edition: This book is dedicated to my wife Hellan whose good advice has improved the book in many ways. vi Table ofRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesmanagement textbook, it is important that you understand its distinctive learner-focused features especially the five-step learning model: Skill Assessment, Skill Learning, Skill Analysis, Skill Practice, and Skill Application. You’ll also find informative research on how much managers’ actions impact individual and organizational performance, and the characteristics of effective managers. †¢ Thoughtfully complete the Skill Assessment surveys in each chapter. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sieze the Day in the Dead Poet Society by Tom Schulman Essay

Through outdoor soccer games and the ripping of textbook pages, John Keating, an English professor, instructs his pupils of the dangers of conformity and the importance to seize the day. In Tom Schulman’s Dead Poet’s Society, the students of Welton Academy, an all-boys preparatory school, quarrel between tradition and individuality. Mr. Keating emphasizes the value of emotions, mystery and imagination through the teaching of romanticism. The realist administration of Welton founded on the pillars of â€Å"tradition, honor, discipline, [and] excellence†, contrast Keating’s passionate teachings. With stringent expectations, the classic film showcases the students’ struggle between satisfying their passions or conforming to society. Through†¦show more content†¦Cameron ends up agreeing to the group, but only because everyone else has joined. In contrast of Cameron, through the character of Neil Perry, the movie explores the Romantic component to the traditionalist teachings of Welton academy. Neil, a passionate, well-liked student, is inspired by Mr. Keating’s teachings and is the first to organize the Dead Poets Society. His Romantic behaviors though begin in the beginning of the film when his father says that he can no longer take school annual. Mr. Perry, Neil’s father who is a static, one-dimensional man who envisions a successful future for his son with a medical degree. Neil disputes his father by saying, â€Å"But Father, I cant. It wouldnt be fair†. The defiant behavior emulates the nonconformity trait of Romantics. He continues to defy Mr. Perry when Neil tries out for a Shakespearean play and doctors a letter of permission. When Todd says to Neil â€Å"You’re not gonna write it,† Neil insouciantly responds, â€Å"Oh yes, I am†. The nonchalant reply further proves Neil’s yearning for individuality. He’s willing to go extremes to break free from his parent ’s and the school’s expectations. In addition to these characters, the character Todd Anderson explores both realism and romanticism. Todd is a new student at Welton Academy. A very shy and disconnected boy, he is the most dynamic out of the entire cast. In the beginning of the film, he is inspired by Mr. Keating’s phase â€Å"Seize the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ground Rules in the Classroom Free Essays

â€Å"No group can work successfully without rules that govern interactions and behaviour† (Minton 2005). Ground rules in a classroom depends largely on the type and the length of the course and the ages, ability and life experiences of the group being taught. Ground rules need to be set out at the beginning of a course to establish what is expected from the learners in terms of behaviour and mutual respect of fellow learners and the teacher. We will write a custom essay sample on Ground Rules in the Classroom or any similar topic only for you Order Now A good tool to use to implement these rules would be an â€Å"ice breaker† whereby the teacher would ask the learners to write down their own ideas of the perfect learning environment for them; for example, a brainstorming activity. The learners could then share their ideas with their peers and through a general consensus come up with a list of rules they wish to implement in their classroom. The teacher would make the rules manageable, tailoring the rules according to the needs of the learners and so giving the learners ownership of their own rules. The teacher would support, motivate, encourage and persuade the learners. Adult learners will usually feel resentful and alienated if a teacher takes a command and control approach in their style of teaching. Behaviour and respect are mutually interlinked. Good teacher/learner relationships and peer relationships are based on mutual respect. The learner respects the teacher for their teaching skills, personal qualities, knowledge and professionalism and the teacher respects the learner as an individual and their attempts to learn. All rules underpin behaviour and respect for others as respect and behaviour are mutually inclusive. Overt behaviour comes from respect. How to cite Ground Rules in the Classroom, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Dr. Benjamin Rush free essay sample

Despite being a strong believer in the barbaric practices of bloodletting and purging as a cure for yellow fever, Benjamin Rush was ahead of his time in the tremendous contributions he made to the field of medicine and in the area of social reform. . Benjamin Rush had a lifelong medical career and made enormous contributions to the field of medicine in the united States. As a boy, he entered when he was thirteen and he graduated the next year, at the age of fourteen. To further his study of medicine, he attended Edinburgh in England. Porn returning to the united States, he started to treat the poor, often for free. With a sincere desire to assist the underprivileged, he founded the first Dispensary for the Poor in America. He promoted preventive medicine like vaccination against smallpox and he knew poor dental health could cause illness. He Joined the staff of the Pennsylvania Hospital In 1783 and he reformed the care of mental patients, all people should be treated with respect and dignity. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Benjamin Rush or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He published the first psychiatry textbook in America and is known as the Father of American Psychiatry.In 1789, he became a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught over 3,000 students. He worked during the yellow fever epidemic of 1793 In Philadelphia, seeing up to 120 patients a day. Although he treated patients using methods questioned by other physicians, which included bleeding and administering mercury, calmed, and clap to purge the body of the pestilence, he was considered by others to have developed a cure. Finally, in addition to treating people, he was Instrumental In establishing veterinary medicine. .Rush strongly believed in his medical practices and continued his work in the field of medicine until his death. In addition to being a renowned American physician, . Rush was also an enthusiastic patriot and leader of social reform. He helped found the first anti slavery society In America at the same time he was starting his medical career. He continued his efforts as a social activist with a long political involvement which included being an active member of the Sons of Liberty, a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence. After the Revolutionary War, he supported the of the constitution and he was a delegate to the Pennsylvania state convention. At the same time, he also supported the abolition of capital punishment and advocated for public education for everyone, including women. As a strong supporter of education at all levels, he founded two colleges, College and Franklin and Marshall College. In 1797, he was appointed treasurer of the U. S. Mint by John Adams as a recompense for his lifelong patriotism and he served in that position until he died.Rush was involved in a wide variety of pursuits and held many titles: statesman, ION 3 Born to a common family, Benjamin Rush had a difficult childhood but went on to have a strong married life, living in good health until his unexpected death. He was born on December 24, 1745, the fourth oldest of seven children. He lived on a plantation in Barberry, Pennsylvania. His father died when he was six and his mother ran a grocery store to support the growing family. At age eight, he was sent to live with his Aunt and Uncle in Maryland to receive a formal education.He eventually married Julia in 1776 and had thirteen children, living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He died at the age of 67 on April 19, 1813, thirty-eight years after the first battle of the American Revolution. Benjamin Rush had an extraordinary life for which mankind must remain forever in his debt. He made amazing contributions to society that greatly helped our country. Living an extremely productive life, he tirelessly worked in both the field of medicine and in the area of promoting social reform.